Instructions to Authors of contributions accepted for publication

These instructions are for authors of accepted technical papers, posters, tutorial leaders and invited speakers.

0- Deadlines

 All material appearing in the proceedings must be collected by July 9th.

 Authors presenting papers to the conference must register by July 20th. 

1- Format the contribution 

 Format your contribution according to Springer LNCS guideline for Authors.

 LNCS will check the source of your contribution to ensure that it meets the formatting requirements, and any contribution that does not follow the guidelines will be unacceptable. Specifically, the LNCS style files must not be modified, and any reformatting is strictly prohibited (this include alteration of margins, use of non-standard fonts, alteration of font size, vertical negative spaces, etc...).

2- Fill-in and Sign the LNCS Copyright Form

 The copyright form is available on the LNCS website. It is electronically editable, and you can send us an electronic copy. In this case, it should be "digitaly signed", that is signed with a scanned version of your signature. Note that this is the preferred method. One author for each paper (preferably the corresponding author) must fill it. If you cannot produce the digital version of the copyright form, print it, fill it in and sign, then send it by fax to us at +33 169 156 586. Do not send the copyright form to Springer.

 The title of the Book/Volume/Conference is "Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface"

 The Volume Editors are "Franck Cappello, Thomas Herault, Jack Dongarra" 

3- Upload the Contribution

 For technical papers:

  1. Make a directory named with your paper id, or ParSIM-id for contributions to ParSIM
  2. In this directory, put the pdf of the final contribution named paper.pdf and all files necessary to build the pdf from sources. This includes LaTeX files, figures in LaTeX compatible format, bibtex files, etc... Do not put any old-version or non-necessary file in this directory.

    So, the directory should appear as follows:

    > ls -a 38/
    paper.pdf      paper.tex        introduction.tex       protocol.tex
    archi.tex       fig1.eps          measures.tex          fig2.eps
    fig3.eps        conclusion.tex  paper.bib
  3. If you can produce the digital version of the copyright form, put it also in the directory (named copyright.pdf)
  4. Produce a single archive of the directory
    (e.g. tar czf 38.tar.gz 38/ or zip -r 38/)
  5. Upload this archive to the submission website using the login and password given to you in the acceptance mail.

 For 2-pages abstracts (posters, tutorials, invited speakers)

  1. Send all sources and pdf files to as attachements to the mail.

4- Contact Author

 The contact author will receive a pdf proof of the paper generated by LNCS during July or August. She or He should be reachable by email. If some vacations are to be expected, please send us an email stating who can proof-read the paper generated by LNCS. The mail will come from an email address in India and will have an attachment (the pdf file), so you should make sure that emails with attachments are not automatically filtered out.

5- Registration and Additional Pages

 Each technical paper must be presented by one of the authors during the conference. So, we expect one author of each paper at least to register to the conference before July 20th. If the paper length exceed 8 pages (in LNCS format), the author must add an additional fee of 50€/page to his/her registration. The registration website will open soon.

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